A graphic showing the cycle of narrative leading to identity leading back to narrative, and so on

Early on, your brand shapes its own narrative.

But over time the narrative becomes shaped by the experiences and expectations of your fans.

a graphic of the Malcolm Gladwell quote: Cultural narratives about groups don't just reflect those groups, they also start to define those groups.

Which in turn (re)shapes the brand.

Which in turn (re)shapes the narrative.

& on, etc.

Brand story Lego bricks

a graphic that says: Brands Are Narratives

Your brand is a story. It attracts customers and fans based on how it fits in with the stories they tell themselves.

Each fan adds a brick to your story until the brick that started it all is just one small piece of a larger whole.

The benefit being the brand becomes bigger than just you / your company.

It can outlive you.

It can last.

This is revisiting the Revisionist History episode that appeared in the Weekend Listens post for 07.28.23.