Community & Curiosity: Pod Notes
The Philosophy of Community™ (~7:10):
Can you bring groups together and create a sense of belonging and then you inherit the credibility of bringing that group together and having that sense of belonging.
And that can happen lots of different places in your marketing journey. There could be customer communities. There could be non-customer communities. It could be you infiltrating communities that already exist.
But it's almost more of a philosophical approach to marketing than a program.
If you decide to join a community, how you join as a brand—and whether or not you should join as a brand or whether you leverage folks at your company—is a make or break situation.
I'm ending here mostly so I don't end up transcribing half the episode, it's worth a listen. They go from here into influencers and marketing as a connective tissue for your organization (~9:10).
But that first part, about bringing groups together, that's sports teams.
That's this:
Next, curiosity! (~14:45)
When all of these buying behaviors and channels and things switch underneath us, the curiosity that I have is what things are remaining as consistent human behaviors—of how we buy things and take chances and how we spread recommendations amongst each other and all of those traditional things that humans have always done—what piece of this remains versus what piece of this gets thrown out in the trash?
That's well-placed curiosity. And we're all about that sort of thing here.