I’m always wondering where to draw the line with advertising frequency, so I’ll take this number from Meta and use it as the ad-level threshold to help with decision making.

After around 4 exposures, conversions could decrease by about 45%.

I agree with Rushkoff on this:

The value of this technology in creative work is not to come up with the ideal commercial product but to show us perfect examples of what to avoid.

Create it yourself.
Create it with AI.
If you can’t tell the difference, start again.
(Or automate that task and find somewhere else to add value.)

Let your human show.

Average marketing budgets have fallen to 7.7% of overall company revenue, down from 9.1% in 2023

Budgets typically lag the economy, but can be a leading indicator of advertiser confidence.

This could be a leading indicator for smaller margins from coming price cuts too.

In the four years preceding the pandemic, average marketing budgets were 11% of overall revenue. In the four years since, they’ve dropped to an anemic 8.2%.

This is from a survey of CMOs, so a specific class of business.

via MarketingTech

LinkedIn has reduced the size of link preview images for organic posts, while maintaining larger preview images for sponsored content.

I noticed the smaller image size on a client’s post the other day but thought it was a bug or an image smaller than the recommended size, turns out it’s the new normal.

A reminder that social platforms don’t like external links. Unless you’re paying.

via Search Engine Land

How to Make a Video According to Meta

Looking for a video formula?

This is The Playbook According to Meta:

  • Logo visible within the first 3 seconds
  • Action within the first 6 seconds
  • Core value of the video/story within the first 16 seconds

16 seconds is the recommended length.

The 6 second mark is the inflection point. You’re trying to hook them so they stick around for the rest of the video. If they make it past that mark they are engaged and interested. Cliff notes for the first 6 seconds to create some brand awareness, full story after that.

These are all geared towards videos that appear in-feed or as part of an ad. If people are coming to your video content the mindset is different.

Also consider some form of text overlay on your video. Either full captions or at least highlight callouts, depending on the intent and message of the video.

Dexa: AI-powered search of podcast content

Might grocers' price cuts ease inflation and the current vibe-cession?

Target began cutting prices on 5,000 grocery store items

Walmart, which started lowering prices to pre-pandemic levels in March.

Amazon said it was slashing grocery prices at its Fresh chain by up to 30%

Aldi has begun reducing prices on more than 250 items

Walgreens lowered prices on more than 1,500 items

Voting with dollars:

in addition to eating out less and spending less at the grocery store, many price-sensitive consumers are switching from brand-name to in-house items.

via The Daily Upside

All ads I want to try

Around half of streaming viewers have taken some action upon seeing a pause ad

67% said they’d interacted with an ad that they could click on to receive information via an email or device, while explorable ads and “click to buy” ads also saw high engagement, at 62% and 58% each. QR codes, meanwhile, were less popular: just 36% of survey respondents indicated that they’d interacted with one.

via Marketing Brew

Google is emailing advertisers to notify them it will soon begin automatically pausing low-activity keywords.

According to the email, positive keywords in search ad campaigns will be considered low-activity if they haven’t generated impressions in over a year.

This should make account manager easier and cleaner.

But I think it’s also a low-key signal that:

  • We’ll continue to have less control in ad platforms
  • Keywords are on their way out as the core of Google Ads targeting

And yes, this is mostly thanks to AI.

via Search Engine Journal

I posted the other day about sharing your strategy with everyone, then I read a Seth Godin piece that included this bit:

When you give away your work by building the network, you’re not giving it away at all. You’re building trust, authority, and a positive cycle of better.

Sharing is caring.

“Running with scissors is a cardio exercise that can increase your heart rate and require concentration and focus,” says Google’s new AI search feature. “Some say it can also improve your pores and give you strength.”

Google suggested that if you’re making pizza but the cheese won’t stick, you could add about an eighth of a cup of glue to the sauce to “give it more tackiness.”

At its core, AI is only as good as its training data. Why would we expect any different from a model that averages the internet?

It is only superhuman when it comes to speed.

via TechCrunch

Share Your Strategy with Everyone

It’s tempting to keep it to ourselves, but making it collaborative can be much more helpful. Especially in industries and relationships (like agencies) where this isn’t the norm.

Invite them in. Craft a strategy together.

Telling our story well and sharing openly brings together more allies, horsepower, and willingness to take that story to new heights.

If you use Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping campaigns you may be familiar with the new(ish) audience segments. You may also be confused by a (characteristic) lack of clarity on how they work.

Thankfully, Jon Loomer is here to clear things up.

Per Meta:

If there is an overlap, such that a user will fit into both the ‘Engaged’ and ‘Existing’ category, we will prioritize the association that is lowest in the funnel (i.e ‘Existing’).

Or, as Jon says:

In other words, you don’t need to exclude existing customers when creating the Engaged Audience.

when corporations talk about values, was it because of ethics? Or aesthetics?

Is it a value or a tactic?

It’ll come out eventually. One compounds goodwill, one erodes it.

via Mister Yam by Yeng Tan 📚

AI is a sea change.

For marketing:

Out: Control

In: Context

In many ways this is a return to an earlier era of marketing, just with a new technological underpinning meaning the mediums have changed.

Black Friday became the Turkey 5 weekend which feels like it’s becoming Black November with the way retailers are pushing sales earlier, but…

October’s and November’s share of US digital holiday consumer spending has not shown a consistent increase since 2018, despite retailers moving their holiday sales earlier

In retail, should you follow the competition so you don’t get left behind or follow the customer’s lead?

Creep or chill?

via Emarketer

Google Marketing Live continued a recent trend for Google Ads, making it more and more like social ad platforms as far as creation flow and targeting.

Social marketers will inherit the earth?

Which means, your creative is the most important part of your ad strategy.

Basically me, if you replace philosophy with marketing and the sign with a billboard promoting billboards.

via Existential Comics

This image is a comic strip depicting a humorous take on the philosophical transformation of Ludwig Wittgenstein, particularly from his early to later views on language and philosophy. Here’s the detailed description of each panel:&10;&10;1. **Panel 1:** Wittgenstein and Carnap are walking outdoors. Wittgenstein says, "The world is everything that is the case. It is a world of facts, not things." Carnap responds, "Yes, Wittgenstein! It feels like we are on the verge of solving philosophy once and for all."&10;&10;2. **Panel 2:** Wittgenstein and Carnap notice a sign that says "SIGN NOT IN USE." Wittgenstein points at the sign and says, "Exactly, Carnap. All future generations will be shown the way out of the fly...uh...What is that?" Carnap replies, "It's...a sign?"&10;&10;3. **Panel 3:** Wittgenstein, pointing at the sign, asks, "But what does it mean, 'SIGN NOT IN USE'?" Carnap replies, "It means it isn't in use..."&10;&10;4. **Panel 4:** Wittgenstein, now looking frustrated, says, "But it is in use." Carnap responds, "It just means not in use in the normal way."&10;&10;5. **Panel 5:** Wittgenstein, visibly upset, says, "No, I don't like that."&10;&10;6. **Panel 6:** Wittgenstein declares, "In fact, we have to start philosophy over. Throw all this in the trash." Carnap, holding a stack of books, protests, "But Wittgenstein, we almost finished—"&10;&10;7. **Panel 7:** Wittgenstein angrily throws books by Descartes and Plato into a trash can, shouting, "IN THE TRASH!"&10;&10;8. **Panel 8:** Wittgenstein, now holding his head in frustration, says, "I only want to talk about weird language stuff from now on. How are you even understanding me? How does anyone understand words? It's impossible, it can't be done!" Carnap, looking dejected, replies, "God damnit, we were so close..."&10;&10;The comic humorously illustrates Wittgenstein's shift from his early philosophy focused on logical positivism to his later work which questions the nature of language and meaning.

While Google is Meta-fying its ad platform as fast as it can, Zuck+Co might be returning the favor.

Site links in your social feed!

The site links feature enables you to add multiple landing pages to your ads. Ads created without the site link feature can only include one primary landing page. The site links will appear as horizontally scrollable display labels under the main hero image or video. When someone clicks on one of the site links on your ad, they’ll be redirected to its designated landing page within the in-app browser to learn more about your business.

via Meta

a screenshot of Meta’s preview of how site links appear as clickable buttons beneath the main ad content in a carousel layout

I’m fully bought into the gospel according to Jon Loomer

When you obsess over targeting, it becomes an unnecessary distraction from what is most important: the ad copy and creative.

Stop creating unnecessary work for yourself. When possible, take advantage of automated features like Advantage+ Audience.

Creative is the biggest targeting lever we have these days.

Focus less on control and more on context.

(I love when laziness is a viable strategy.)